Carletta Trains
Yard Work Scene
One of my favorite scenes on the layout is the family doing yard work.
The lawn mower was handmade out of a piece of styrene. See below for close-ups of it. It has a handle made from bent .1mm fiber optic cable and even has wheels. It took a few shots to get it right, but it looks great in person. You can see the man with his foot on it as he grabs the pull cord to start it.
The hose is thin wire that was wound around an unbent paperclip and then slid off to create the wound look. Lastly it was spray painted green. If you look closely you can see that there is water coming out of it as she waters the plants.
I made the rake using plastic-weld putty and using an X-Acto knife to shape it.
Click on the pictures to enlarge them
The pictures are so blurry because it's so small the camera can't focus on it.
The first three pictures were taken using a 10x digital microscope!