Carletta Trains
My Custom Made New Jersey Transit Fleet
This is the toughest project I've ever taken on excluding my z scale briefcase layout. I started this in August of 2014 and finished it in August 2016. There were a few periods of down time due to weather and temperatures I couldn't airbrush in, but I did manage to get some work done in the winter time.
Below are some pictures of the overall fleet, but you can also go to the individual pictures to see the process for that car/locomotive
Some quick facts:
2 kit-bashed GP40PH-2 (a combination of an Atlas GP40 and a Bachmann SD45)
1 kit-bashed GP40FH (a combination of an Atlas GP40 and a resin shell of a FP45)
1 MP15DC Switcher
Passenger cars:
6 Comet IIM (Shells purchased from purchased from Island Model Works)
1 Comet V Cab Car (Shell purchased from Island Model Works)
1 Comet II Cab Car (Created from a undecorated Kato RDC)
4 Bombardier Multilevel cars (Shells purchased from Island Model Works)
1 Bombardier Multilevel Cab Car (Shell purchased from Island Model Works)
Over 350 decals from Microscale and others I had custom made. Some decals as small as 1mm x 1mm.
Empty cases from Kato and Tomix customized to allow my cars to fit
Custom made case for the GP40FH. GMPullman is the one who game me the idea to use a plastic HO scale case and fit it with padding. He graciously shipped me a few cases on his own dime! Extremely generous!
Here are some overview pictures of the completed model. Overall this was a very time consuming and costly project. Had I'd known just how tough it would be I might not have taken it on. In the end everything came out exactly as I wanted it to.

<--------- Kit-bashing the GP40FH-2
Kit-bashing the two GP40PH-2's --------->
<--------- MP15DC Switcher
8 Comet Passenger Cars ->
<--------- 5 Bombardier Multilevel Cars